Our Awards in Houston, TX

Over our years in business, Ulrich Engineers, Inc. has been recognized and awarded for our superior work. On this page, you can learn more about our many achievements.

American Concrete Institute

Ulrich Engineers, Inc. continues to lead the foundation industry even outside of Texas by guiding committees of experts to develop international industry standards for designing and building foundations.

The Specification for the Construction of Drilled Piers (ACI 336.1 – 01) has been endorsed by the Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors for over two decades. This is just one example of the standard goals we continually strive to achieve. Our past design and construction experiences with Houston’s modern tall structures contributed to improving the work we are now able to produce, allowing us to accomplish unprecedented feats in local geotechnical engineering.

ACEC & Texas CEC Awards

The American Consulting Engineers Council (ACEC) Grand Conceptor Award is the highest national award for engineering excellence that designers can receive by the ACEC. The Texas Consulting Engineers Council (Texas CEC) Award is the highest state affiliate award for engineering excellence. Our engineering firm has continued to think “out of the box” to contribute foundation innovation and cost savings to make projects successful.

Texaco Heritage Plaza

Ed Ulrich and our engineering team have directed the foundation design and construction of some of America’s most outstanding projects. We started in 1981 with the ACEC Grand Conceptor Award for the 75-Story Texas Commerce Tower (Chase Tower), and more recently gained recognition for Engineering Excellence in the Houston Rockets Toyota Center covering 6 downtown blocks.

The American Society of Civil Engineers honored Mr. Ulrich as the first individual Texan to be awarded the Thomas A. Middlebrooks Award for outstanding contributions in foundation engineering in 1990. Twenty years later, the nation’s leading brace design-builder, Schnabel Foundation Company, awarded Mr. Ulrich the Harry S. Schnabel Award for Milestone Contributions in the Foundation Engineering of Tall buildings with Deep Basements. He currently serves on ACI committees to develop industry standards for foundation design and construction.

Texas Commerce Tower

Construction for the Texas Commerce Tower began in 1979. With four basement levels, the building is still considered the tallest soil supported building in the world to this day. Specifications of the project include basement depth of 63 ft., temporary dewatering, permanent dewatering, and a drilled pier soldier pile basement wall. Our work on this job earned us the following awards:

  • Texas CEC Eminent Conceptor, 1981
  • ACEC Grand Concepter, 1981

RepublicBank Center

  • Texas CEC Eminent Conceptor, 1983

IV Allen Center [ENRON I | CHEVRON I]

  • Texas CEC Eminent Conceptor , 1984
  • ACEC Grand Award , 1984

Harris County Jail Bridge Tunnel & Sally Port

  • Texas CEC Eminent Conceptor , 1992

NASA Sonny Carter Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory

  • Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award, 1997 – Texas Section ASCE

Houston Rockets Toyota Arena

  • Texas Construction for Excellence, 2004

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